Mgahinga Gorilla National Park Uganda is only 33 sq. km of size, located in the southwestern corner of the country bordering Rwanda and Congo,14 km from Kisoro town in Bufumbira County about 540 km from Kampala-the capital city of Uganda and this national park was gazetted in 1991.
This Park covers the northern slopes of the three northern most Virunga Volcanoes namely; the Mt. Gahinga (3,474 m), Mt. Sabyinyo (3,645 m) and Mt. Muhavura (4,127 m). The park is bordered by the Republic of Rwanda in the south and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in the west, each of these countries protects its own share of the Virunga area and these parks together form the ‘Virunga Conservation Area’ which totals to 434-sq. km of which Mgahinga is 33.7 sq. km, just 8% of the Virunga conservation area

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park Uganda experiences two wet rainy seasons; February – May and September- December of each year. The maximum amount of rainfall it receives in a year is 250mm-October and Minimum is 10mm –July, in that if you’re coming to trek the mountain gorillas in Mgahinga, you need to carry with you the gum boots, rain coats umbrella because the weather keeps changing around the Mgahinga area.


Activities at Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Gorilla Tracking at Mgahinga National Park

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is located in the southwestern Uganda on the border with Congo and Rwanda. Covering an area of about 33.7 sq kilometers, the park is a habitat for man’s closest, the mountain gorillas which roam about the whole forest in search for food. This park is one of the few places in the world where the endangered mountain gorillas live and it attracts people from different countries to come on Uganda Gorilla Safari. There is no doubt that Mgahinga Gorilla national park is one of the leading tourism sites in Uganda since it harbors these rare primates.

One may wonder why gorilla Safari should be done in Mgahinga and no other places but the secret behind it is that this park has a thick rain forest with a wide variety of tree species and gorillas are known to be vegetarians. There is enough food for them in the park and this is the reason why some even migrate from Congo and Rwanda to this place. Though not in large numbers, gorillas of Mgahinga are easily seen in their natural habitats and this makes tracking more easy compared to other parks.


Gorilla tracking at the park

The moment you visit the park, the welcoming atmosphere is an evidence of adventure filled of natural beauty. A day’ trek through the forests of Mgahinga with a well-trained guide who explains the gorillas’ behaviors along the way is a lifetime experience.

Normally, Gorilla trekking Safari starts from Ntebeko Entrance gate at around 8:00amin the morning daily taking 2-4 hours. A visitor is expected to budget for his/her time well while with a gorilla family since the maximum time allowed to spend with them is one hour.


When to track Gorillas at Mgahinga Gorilla national park

The best time to visit the place for tracking is during the two dry seasons when the park is easily accessed. It is during this time that the thick forests can be penetrated easily and when the paths are not as muddy as it is in the rainy season. The two dry Seasons best for Gorilla Safari are; mid-December to end of February and June to October. However, gorilla tracking tourism is possible throughout the year.


How to get there

By road, one can access the park by use of a car from Kampala via Kabale to Kisoro. This journey takes about 8 hours.
By air, one can board a plane from Entebbe to Kisoro Airstrip which is near the park. This is the quickest mode of access and it takes about 1 hour. There are daily scheduled flights which must be booked long in advance with your local Uganda safari operator.


Mountain/volcano climbing in Mgahinga

All three volcanoes in this park can be summited. Mt. Sabinyo, at 3,669m, takes about eight hours to cover the 14km round trip, following a steep ridge up to the peak.

It takes around six hours to ascend and descend Mt. Gahinga (3,474m), topped by a swamp-filled crater and giant lobelia. Lucky climbers may spot golden monkeys on their way through the bamboo forest.

Mt. Muhavura is the highest peak at 4,127m, and this 12km round trip takes around eight hours. Once at the top, hikers are rewarded on a clear day with views of the Virunga Volcanoes, Lake Edward, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and the peaks of the Rwenzoris.


Cultural Encounters in Mgahinga

The Batwa Trail

For generations, Mgahinga’s dense forests were home to the indigenous Batwa: hunter-gatherers and fierce warriors who depended on the forest for shelter, food and medicine.

When the national park was established the Batwa were evicted from the forest and abandoned their low-impact, nomadic lifestyle. The only time they are permitted to re-enter their cherished forest is as tour guides on the Batwa Trail, on which visitors will discover the magic of the Batwa’s ancient home while enjoying nature walks and learning about the cultural heritage.

The Batwa demonstrate hunting techniques, gather honey, point out medicinal plants and demonstrate how to make bamboo cups. Guests are invited to the sacred Garama Cave, once a refuge for the Batwa, where the women of the community perform a sorrowful song which echoes eerily around the depths of the dark cave, and leaves guests with a moving sense of the richness of this fading culture.

Part of the tour fee goes directly to the guides and musicians and the rest goes to the Batwa community fund to cover school fees and books, and improve their livelihoods.


Birding in Mgahinga National Park

The best birding in Mgahinga also takes in some of its most beautiful scenery – in the gorge between Mts Gahinga and Sabinyo, through the bamboo forest, and in the montane forest, where the beautiful Rwenzori Turaco may be observed.

The three to four hour Gorge Trail between Gahinga and Sabinyo can provide a spectacular sightings of the Dusky turtle Dove, Cape Robin-chat, Kivu-ground Thrush, Olive Thrush, Brown-crowned Tchagra, Bronze Sunbird, Regal Sunbird, Blue-headed Sunbird, Rwenzori Batis, Black-headed Waxbill and Streaky Seedeater.


Other good birding areas are at the bamboo belt at about 2,500m above sea level, and the tall montane forest at 2,660m. The Rwenzori Turaco is mostly sighted at around 2,700m. Along the Uganda-Congo border and on level ground, the Chubb’s Cisticola, Red-faced Woodland Warbler, Banded Prinia and Doherty’s Bush-shrike are vocal yet inconspicuous inhabitants of the tangled vegetation at the forest’s edge.


Hiking & Nature walks in Mgahinga National Park

Hiking around the foothills of the Virunga Volcanoes gives visitors the chance to spot forest birds, the Rugezi Swamp, wild vegetation, bamboo forests and glorious views of the surrounding lakes and agricultural villages.

A hike through the forest to the deep Sabinyo Gorge – a massive gash in the flank of Mount Sabinyo – provides good birding opportunities and the chance to find the Rwenzori Turaco. This walk takes four hours, and passes through the Rugezi Swamp which is fantastic for bird watchers.

The walk to the Congo border transcends different vegetation zones. Hikers can sight the calderas on top of the Gisozi hill, look out for Kisoro and Bunagana towns and be captivated by Lake Mutanda.

The golden monkey track is a gentle steep but an interesting two-hour trek through former farmland to the bamboo forest. On a clear day, you may view the Virunga Volcano range and come across buffalo and duiker.


How to reach Mgahinga Gorilla national park Uganda

By road:

From Kampala; it’s an 8 hours’ drive via Kabale to Kisoro town using 4wd cars as recommended because the roads can become slippery when it rains; and for those without private transport, you can contact Love Uganda Safaris to organize your ground travel or one can take the daily bus transport services. From Kisoro town, you hike or take a special hire vehicle to the park gate. But it is advisable to use Love Uganda Safaris to plan your trip. This is because you don’t have to hustle while on the trip, just contact us and we will give you the best of your trip

By Air:

One can fly to Kisoro; Flight arrangements can be made with Eagle Air. This company has flights on Mondays and Fridays from Entebbe to Kisoro. So arrangements can be made to book your ticket and also organize for the ground transportation while in Kisoro. This means, you will need to book in advance with eagle air in order for you to be put on the flight. Then us we will be waiting for you to do the ground transportation as you go to encounter the Gorillas.